Saturday, December 20, 2014



Li-Fi is a new paradigm for optical wireless technology to provide unprecedented connectivity within a localized data-centric environment. The increasing demand for higher bandwidths, faster and more secure data transmission as well as environmental and undoubtedly human friendly technology heralds the start of a major shift in wireless technology, a shift from RF to optical technologies.

The Li-Fi Consortium has several purposes:
  • Promote optical wireless communications up to the multi-gigabit range in all their implementations;
  • Inform potential implementers and investors of the companies and resources available to help them achieve their product or investment goals;
  • Create whole solutions in anticipation of customer needs, and
  • Coordinate with standardization groups and other industry organizations to provide OEM customers with a complete ensemble of technical and marketing support.


As a general rule, all technology shown on this website is developed by one of our members and is open for licensing. We also are able to tailor the Li-Fi technology shown to your specific solution or application. If you are interested, please make contact through our contact page and we can explore possibllities.
During the last few years, we mainly have focused on technology development with respect to data transmission speed. This was done in relation to different user scenarios. We developed new docking technology as well as wireless high speed data transfer for beaming and providing users with wireless data broadcasting and a wireless data hotspot based on high speed Li-Fi technology. For more information about the different technological approaches, please, use the technology links in the sidebar menu on the right.
The table above shows the general landscape of wireless RF (radio frequency) communication technology compared with IR (infra red) communication technology, related to transmission speed and range (distance). The green area indicates the technological abilities of our currently available developments.
This table shows the different data rates of the technological solutions we offer. The related interface and wireless range (distance) provides an insight into the technological abilities of our developed products.

A wireless local area network based on Li-Fi technology needs some additional features to provide the same qualities as an RF-based wireless network, without losing the main advantages Li-Fi technology is able to provide. Here are the missing links for a fully developed Li-Fi WLAN.
The Li-Fi room connector
Optical signals are not able to penetrate walls. This is an advantage in relation to security issues. However, in order to provide an optical wireless local area network, rooms need to be connected with each other. This is achieved via the Li-Fi room connector. The Li-Fi room connector is a replicator which sends the data stream from one side of the wall to the other via an optical fiber cable, which connects the two room connectors on each side of the wall. With smaller rooms, the Li-Fi room connector might be sufficient as the only Li-Fi hotspot in the room.
The Li-Fi router
The Li-Fi router is the networks connection to the external link (fiberoptic cable, DSL, GigE, etc.). The application is mainly useful for small office or home use with cloud & server functions. It connects office and/or entertainment equipment and covers a radius of 20 meters with a 100 Mbps transmission speed. The product is developed to a proof-of-concept stage.
The full features Li-Fi cloud
The Li-Fi cloud is a software solution enabling the user to control all the features within a datacentric Li--Fi environment. Part of this software has been developed already in connection with the developments of the Li-Fi applications we offer today.


The extended mobility concept of the Li-Fi Consortium is based on state of the art optical receiver chip technology. The architecture of the optical receiver chip is based on a biological design: The eye of a fruit fly. The fly eye design has a revolutionary architecture and impressive capabilities. It uses an optical sensor array, which is faceted like a fly’s eye. It has a wide field of view, implemented with multiple narrow fields of view elements. It is able to read reflections of light and overcomes with that the limitations of the typical optical Line-of-Site connectivity. The chip is able to identify the signal (+ transmitter) position in both angle and range.
With this development, mobile devices do not depend on a line of sight connection between sender and receiver. Fly eye receiver chips will be able to read reflections, also of very weak signals. Its large dynamic range is the basis of our mobility technology. The chip supports multi-channel high-speed communication while also tracking the transmission source electronically, with no moving parts. This enables “communication on the move”: That is a moving transmitter communicating with a fixed or even moving receiver.
This technology has been developed to concept stage and needs investment in chip development.



Comparison between 4G and 5G Technology 4G 5G Deployment 2007/2014 2014/2015 Bandwidth 200Mbps >1Gbps Technology Unified IP and seamless combo of LAN/ WAN/WLAN 4G+WWWW Service Dynamic Information Acess, Variable devices Dynamic Information Acess, Variable devices with AI capabilities



Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Philae lander makes historic touchdown on comet

Philae lander makes historic touchdown on comet

Rosetta is a cornerstone mission to chase, go into orbit around, and land on a comet. It is studying the Jupiter-family comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko with a combination of remote sensing and in situ measurements. The spacecraft arrived at the comet on 6 August 2014 following a 10-year journey through the Solar System. Between August and November, the spacecraft has been orbiting the comet and gathering data to characterise the environment and the comet nucleus. On 12 November 2014, Rosetta's lander Philae will be deployed to the surface. Philae carries a suite of instruments for imaging and sampling the comet nucleus. The Rosetta orbiter will track the comet through perihelion (August 2015), examining its behaviour before, during and after.

The mission was first considered in the late 1970s and developed from a sample-return plan to the plan for a lander. It was approved in November 1993 by ESA’s Science Programme Committee. The original mission target had been comet 46P/Wirtanen, but this was changed to 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko when it was clear that the launch would take place in 2004.
The spacecraft was launched from Kourou aboard an Ariane 5G+ on 2 March 2004. It required four gravity assists for its journey, one by Mars and three by Earth. Rosetta had already flown by the asteroids 2867 Steins (in 2008) and 21 Lutetia (in 2010), before entering deep space hibernation in June 2011.

The spacecraft was launched from Kourou aboard an Ariane 5G+ on 2 March 2004. It required four gravity assists for its journey, one by Mars and three by Earth. Rosetta had already flown by the asteroids 2867 Steins (in 2008) and 21 Lutetia (in 2010), before entering deep space hibernation in June 2011.
Rosetta has achieved major milestones in 2014. Following a planned exit from hibernation on 20 January, all of the spacecraft's instruments were checked as it continued on its journey to 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. The first science results were obtained even before the spacecraft arrived at the comet on 6 August 2014. On 12 November 2014, Rosetta's lander Philae will be deployed to the surface.
Here are the key dates of the Rosetta mission:


Date: 02 January 2014
Satellite: Rosetta
Depicts: Philae Lander
Copyright: ESA/ATG medialab
Rosetta will deploy the Philae lander to the surface of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko for in situ analysis with its 10 instruments:
APXS: Alpha Proton X-ray Spectrometer (studying the chemical composition of the landing site and its potential alteration during the comet's approach to the Sun)
CIVA: Comet Nucleus Infrared and Visible Analyser (six cameras to take panoramic pictures of the comet surface)
CONSERT: COmet Nucleus Sounding Experiment by Radiowave Transmission (studying the internal structure of the comet nucleus with Rosetta orbiter)
COSAC: The COmetary SAmpling and Composition Experiment (detecting and identifying complex organic molecules)
PTOLEMY: Using MODULUS protocol (Methods Of Determining and Understanding Light elements from Unequivocal Stable isotope compositions) to understand the geochemistry of light elements, such as hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen and oxygen
MUPUS: MUlti-PUrpose Sensors for Surface and Sub-Surface Science (studying the properties of the comet surface and immediate sub-surface)
ROLIS: Rosetta Lander Imaging System (providing the first close-up images of the landing site)
ROMAP: Rosetta Lander Magnetometer and Plasma Monitor (studying the magnetic field and plasma environment of the comet)
SD2: Sampling, drilling and distribution subsystem (drilling up to 23 cm depth and delivering material to onboard instruments for analysis)
SESAME: Surface Electric Sounding and Acoustic Monitoring Experiment (probing the mechanical and electrical parameters of the comet), comprising: CASSE (Comet Acoustic Surface Sounding Experiment), DIM (Dust Impact Monitor), and PP (Permittivity Probe).

EventNominal date
Launch2 March 2004
First Earth gravity assist4 March 2005
Mars gravity assist25 February 2007
Second Earth gravity assist13 November 2007
Asteroid Steins flyby5 September 2008
Third Earth gravity assist13 November 2009
Asteroid Lutetia flyby10 July 2010
Enter deep space hibernation8 June 2011
Exit deep space hibernation20 January 2014
Rendezvous manoeuvres begin7 May 2014
Arrive at comet 6 August 2014
Start global mapping10 September 2014
Lander delivery12 November 2014
Perihelion passage13 August 2015
End of mission31 December 2015

Monday, October 13, 2014

Blu-ray (not Blue-ray)

Blu-ray Disc

Blu-ray Disc Blu-ray (not Blue-ray) also known as Blu-ray Disc (BD), is the name of a new optical disc format jointly developed by the Blu-ray Disc Association (BDA), a group of the world's leading consumer electronics, personal computer and media manufacturers (including Apple, Dell, Hitachi, HP, JVC, LG, Mitsubishi, Panasonic, Pioneer, Philips, Samsung, Sharp, Sony, TDK and Thomson). The format was developed to enable recording, rewriting and playback of high-definition video (HD), as well as storing large amounts of data. The format offers more than five times the storage capacity of traditional DVDs and can hold up to 25GB on a single-layer disc and 50GB on a dual-layer disc. This extra capacity combined with the use of advanced video and audio codecs will offer consumers an unprecedented HD experience.

Friday, September 26, 2014

OLED panels in cars

OLED panels in cars

OLED is a new display and lighting technology - used to create thin, efficient and bright displays and lighting panels. OLEDs can be made flexible, and transparent, and so open the way for new, exciting display applications. One of the possible markets for OLEDs is the automotive industry.

Where will OLED be used in future cars?

We can see several applications for OLED displays and lighting systems in cars:
  • Dashboard displays (instrument clusters, navigation, media)
  • Heads up displays
  • Internal lighting
  • External lighting (tail lights, turn indicators)
  • Digital rear-view internal mirrors
  • More application we cannot think about today!

OLED displays for cars today

Currently we know of several car models that includes small PMOLED displays in the dashboard. The Lexus 2010 RX for example has a white OLED display, supplementing the main 8" display.

Kia's 2015 Soul EV uses a 3.5" white PMOLED display

Kia announced a new electric car, the 2015 Soul EV. The vehicle has a 109 bhp engine and a 27 kWh L-ion battery that gives it a range of 93 miles. This environmental friendly car uses 23 kg of plant-based interior plastics (made from cellulose and sugar cane base).

Kia Soul EV offers up to 93-mile range, available for $26,200

transparent Head-Up Display (HUD)

Transparent Head-Up Display (HUD)

Tech specification

5.1" wide transparent Head-Up Display (HUD)
High quality projector
IR camera for touchless gesture control
Accelerometer, e-compass, ambient light sensor
WiFi (802.11 b/g/n), Bluetooth 4.0/LE
Audio out via Bluetooth or 3.5mm minijack,
mini-USB port
Internal speaker and microphone with
noise canceling DSP
Dual core processor running Android 4.4
OBD-II power and data connection to car
computer, with optional 12 volt power adapter
Portable, bendable, non-marking, powered friction
mount, with magnetic connection to the device
Dimensions (excluding mount): width: 130mm,
depth: 140mm, height: 95mm (including display)

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Top 10 Most Popular Firearms of the World

Popular Firearms of the World

In last over 100 years, the world has seen some great changes in warfare. It saw the horrors of World War I and World War II. Such has been the threat perception that the craze for advancement in weapons technology rose to newer heights. As of now every country makes all attempts to remain well-equipped with the finest of firearms, and any other kind of weapons that ensure their defense against their enemies. In the wake of such possibilities, many lethal, powerful, and destructive weapons have been developed the world over. Every weapon is deadly and it is very difficult to narrow it down to just 10 but here we present a list of top 10 most popular firearmsany military would like to have in their arsenal.

10. AK – 47:

Mikhail Kalashnikov designed the AK-47 (Avtomat Kalashinokova model of 1947). Even after more than six decades since it was manufactured, the assault rifle figures on any list of the most popular firearms. The MP40 and STG44 assault rifles by the Nazi Germany inspired Kalashnikov to design AK-47. The gun saw its first use in the Chinese communist aggression, and remains the most reliable weapon of its times. More than 100 million pieces of the gun have been produced and it also appears on the flag of Mozambique. The reason why it is ranked no.10 is because of its infamy due to it being the favourite of terrorists the world over.
AK - 47

9. F-2000 Assault Rifle:

The F-2000 assault rifle is one of the most compact and deadly firearms designed by FN Herstal in Belgium. Its smartly designed body ensures a good maneuverability by simultaneously providing the fatality rate that any other rifle could produce. It is capable of firing 850 rounds per minute. And, finally, it can also be converted into a grenade launcher.
F-2000 Assault Rifle - Top 10 Most Popular Firearms of the World

8. Heckler & Koch G3:

A product of World War II, the Heckler & Koch G3 is one of the first among the FAL and AR-10 made according to the NATO specifications. The German army had first adopted the gun in the 1959 and got it further developed by the Spanish firm CETME. The G3 is considered parallel to AK-47; the only difference is that the former is a German product.
Heckler & Koch G3

7. Uzi:

One of the most significant contributors to modern warfare, Uzi is an Israeli product. It’s an open bolt submachine gun designed by Uziel Gal in 1948. Although the original gun has been redesigned several times, the brand still remains in production after all these years. It can fire 600 rounds per minute and its muzzle velocity is 400m/s, which is by any standards, a destructive capability for a handheld firearm.
Uzi - Top 10 Most Popular Firearms of the World

6. Barrett M82:

Barrett M82 is powerful sniper-like anti-materiel rifle and has been used by the American army since 1989. It is mostly used by special forces of different countries, and under specific environments against military equipments. The best feature of the gun is its mobility; it can be attached to a helicopter and used while being airborne. The gun is the most useful tactical gun and is also used as a sniper rifle.
Barrett M82

5. AR-15:

Issued to civilians as well as armed forces around the world, the AR-15 is one of the few assault rifles that can challenge an AK-47 even if this, too, may fail before the Russian. AR-15 is also known as the M-16 rifle in US and comes in many variants. The best thing about this unique assault rifle is its accuracy, which made it one of the firearms used by the Irish Republican Army (IRA). With 8 million units produced worldwide the AR-15 holds the distinction of being the most-produced firearm of its caliber. Since its notoriety is lesser in comparison to the AK-47, it is way above it on this list.
AR-15 - Top 10 Most Popular Firearms of the World

4. Corner Shot 40mm Grenade Launcher:

No one has ever seen something like the Corner Shot 40mm Grenade Launcher. It is not only a grenade launcher, but can be turned into a corner shooter. As if this was not enough, the launcher can bend up to 60 degrees and has a target range of 150 meters. And, not forgetting the most important feature, the launcher is equipped with a small screen and camera to enable the operator to see the target before shooting without exposing himself.
Corner Shot 40mm Grenade Launcher

3. XM25 Smart Grenade Launcher:

As the name suggests, the XM25 Smart Grenade Launcher is a grenade launcherthat carries four tiny warheads. It can fire 25 mm shells up to a distance of 2,300 feet, which is almost a mile. The real ability of the fired grenade lies in its programming, where the user can program it to explode at any point in time. It is referred to as the ‘Punisher’, the gun that sports different sight, sensor and laser functions, too. It has a small barrel – the size of a miniature cannon.
XM25 Smart Grenade Launcher - Top 10 Most Popular Firearms of the World

2. Heckler & Koch MP5:

Most of the law enforcement agencies in Germany have been using the Heckler & Koch MP5 submachine gun since it was first manufactured in 1966. With over 50 variants till date, MP5 has been dominating the small arms market, and is only being rivaled by the UMP – its successor. The submachine gun has been used by maximum number of special forces in the world, and no other has ever been so popular.
Heckler & Koch MP5

1. M1911:

John Browning is the name behind the iconic pistol – M1911. Over 2 million official copies of it have been produced since 1911 and the gun enjoys a lifespan more than that of any sidearm. The American military has used this pistol for more than 79 years and it is being used even today. Also, surprisingly, the gun has been featured in over 295 movies till date and remains a timeless piece in the history of engineering and firearms.
M1911 - Top 10 Most Popular Firearms of the World

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Top 10 Amazing Gadgets

10. Portable AQ SmartSpeaker:

Wireless speakers, whether big or small, offer great sound quality and a clutter-free environment to the listener. One of the best in the category of wireless speakers is the AQ SmartSpeaker. Portable enough to be carried just anywhere, the speaker can play music from all AirPlay enabled devices. Besides working with all Apple iDevices, the AQ SmartSpeaker works with Android devices using “AQ Play” app and with Windows devices using “Play To” app. Offering 10 hours play time the speakers also allows for iPhone and iPod charging.
 Top 10 Amazing Gadgets You Should Have

9. Kodak Playfull:

Apart from a camera, the camcorder is the probably the finest way to capture each moment of your life. If you are a frequent camper or hiker, you’ll definitely need a camcorder to capture your every stride, and what better than the Kodak Playfull waterproof camcorder – the best of them all. The Playfull gives the user a 720p HD video in a small, affordable package. It is small enough to be easily carried around in the pocket and offers up to 10 hours of video recording. It indeed qualifies in this list of amazing gadgets. USB cable is provided with the camcorder to transfer your conquests (the videos) on your PC or laptop.
Top 10 Amazing Gadgets You Should Have

8. Bose Quiet Comfort 15:

Every geek needs a pair of headphones and Bose is the best maker to opt for. Bose’s new Quiet Comfort 15 is currently the best when it comes to delivering quality sound and silencing capabilities. The pair of noise-cancelling headphones is the best out there because of its extraordinarily comfortable, foldable design with an enhanced sound quality and very effective noise-canceling technology.
Top 10 Amazing Gadgets You Should Have

7. Amazon Kindle Paperwhite 3G:

There are so many competitors in the eBook market now, yet Amazon with its Kindle line of eReaders remains on the top. The Amazon Kindle Paperwhite 3G is the newest offering from Kindle and is perhaps the best in the market. Featuring a 758 x 1024-pixel 6-inch touchscreen display with built-in light, the Paperwhite can be read in the dark. Offering faster page refresh rate and a humongous eight week battery backup, the Paperwhite gives the owner access to over a million eBooks on the Kindle book store.
Top 10 Amazing Gadgets You Should Have

6. Apple iPod Touch:

The reshuffle in the iPod lineup by Apple gave birth to the 5th generation of iPod Touch, which is now the best MP3 music player you can grab hold of in the market. The 2012 5th gen iPod Touch features a great front camera and a cool 5MP camera on the back capable of 1080p video recording. Powered by iOS 6 with a 4-inch Retina Display, the 5th generation iPod Touch is available in up to 64GB model and is thinner than the iPhone.
Top 10 Amazing Gadgets You Should Have

5. Microsoft Xbox 360 S:

If you like playing video games then you perhaps aren’t alien to Microsoft Xbox. The Microsoft Xbox 360 S is the latest and the best game console you can buy as of now. Accompanied by the prowess of Kinect’s motion sensing technology, the Xbox 360 S comes in a sleeker design and has much quieter and better operating ability than its predecessors. Featuring a better cooling facility to add to your gaming hours, the Xbox 360 S has a dedicated Kinect port besides touch enabled power controls and disk tray, Wi-Fi, USB ports and 250GB hard drive. All these great features has qualified the new Xbox to enter this list of amazing gadgets.
 Top 10 Amazing Gadgets You Should Have

4. Sony Cyber-shot DSC-HX30V:

A compact camera is what every individual wants, and the best compact camera that you can pick from the market at present is the feature-rich Sony Cyber-shot DSC-HX30V. With a great blend of high speed and cool photo quality, the Sony Cyber-shot DSC-HX30V has shooting options for all kinds of users. Featuring an 18.2MP Exmor R CMOS sensor with 20x Optical Zoom and 3.0-inch LCD, the Cyber-shot HX30V camera shoots photos in full HD with high speed auto focus option. The camera’s built-in Wi-Fi makes sure you can share your click on the social network instantly.
Top 10 Amazing Gadgets You Should Have

3. 13-inch Apple MacBook Air:

The MacBook Airs haven’t gone through many revolutionary improvements in 2012 yet the 13-inch MacBook Air from Apple is perhaps the best laptop out there. Featuring a 2560×1600 pixels high-resolution display – which is the highest resolution you can get in a 13-inch laptop – this MacBook Air also comes with two Thunderbolt/DisplayPort outputs and an HDMI port. Powered by a 1.8GHz dual-core Intel Core i5 processor (Turbo Boost up to 2.8GHz), the laptop also features 720p FaceTime HD camera, Bluetooth 4.0, Full-size backlit keyboard and up to 7 hours of battery backup.
 Top 10 Amazing Gadgets You Should Have

2. New Apple iPad:

If you don’t have a tablet, or you want a new tablet, the best one for you will be the New iPad, or the third generation iPad launched in March 2012. The New iPad marketed by Apple features a Retina display and a powerful 5MP camera on the rear. Powered by an Apple A5X quad-core graphics processor, the tablet comes with Siri – voice-activated software, HD 1080p video recording and all the technical finesse of the iOS 5.1.
Top 10 Amazing Gadgets You Should Have

1. Apple iPhone 5:

We all need a phone; it is probably a lifeline for all of us. We need a phone for everything and we need a phone that’s the best. So, the best phone that you can have is the iPhone 5 from Apple. It doesn’t really seem possible that an iPhone with a larger 4-inch Retina Display, a faster A6 processor, ultra fast wireless technology and an 8MP iSight camera can be stuffed into a body that thin and that light. iPhone 5 isn’t the lightest phone but it surely is the lightest and the thinnest iPhone ever made. Of course, the future will give us better options but iPhone 5 is the best the present can offer.
Top 10 Amazing Gadgets You Should Have